Monday 2 August 2010

My bike!!!!

go to work by bike

enjoy the sky ride event with my bike

read a magazine as well.... while riding my bike

I chose bicycle as my main vehicle because of both healthy and economic factors.,
How about you? Have u tried to ride a bike as your main vehicle?


  1. i choose redi with you, driving him :D

    jangan sering2 naik sepeda doooon..nanti dika kurus..

  2. hoooo..., i miss to drive him....
    but, we should try to ride a tandem bike together hon... it would be a cool exercise hon...

  3. i'd love to do it....
    rndg ga pernah liat sepeda tandem hehe norak ya..
    sini sini pulang..jalan2 makan2 naik sepeda kita :D
